I discovered NARS powder blushes after participating in an online beauty forum, much to the deteriment of my wallet. After purchasing my first NARS blush from Hong Kong for HKD190 (RM95) a couple of years ago, I knew I had to get my hands on more colors.
These are the colours I presently own:
What I like about NARS blushes are that they are very pigmented yet smooth. So, a little tap with the blush brush on the blush is all you need to get perfect colour. You can build up the colour too, if you prefer something that shows up more. The downside to a pigmented blush is that it is easy to overdo it.
The other thing you have to love is NARS’s naming of the blushes. Where else can you walk up to the makeup counter and ask for an “Orgasm” or “Deep Throat” or “Torrid” and not get a strange look?
That said, I love Orgasm the blush. Its a lovely shimmery peach-pink blush on me. Orgasm is such an iconic blush that the colour has been duplicated in numerous brands but nothing gets as close to Orgasm as the real thing. 😉
One thing I’d say for NARS blushes is that they work very well for women who are darker skinned. Most of the blushes have strong colour and are highly pigmented, so women of color will find it easy to get a shade that works for them.
I’m fair skinned and I have to layer on some of the colours like Orgasm, Torrid, Sin, Desire, Amour and Lovejoy. For other colors like Outlaw, Gina, Taos and Angelika, I only have to lightly tap my blush brush on the surface of the blush and apply. This is especially true for a blush like Taos (The red one). It is scary red in pan, but just a touch of it gives the perfect blushing red for cheeks. I always get compliments on it.
The blush comes in a fairly large rectangle pan which sits in a black rubber textured case with a large mirror in the lid. I like the rubbery feel of the case but it does attract dirt which makes it look grubby quickly. There is no brush but I don’t like those little useless brushes anyway.
The NARS brand isn’t available in Malaysia at this time. In Singapore, it used to be found at a shop called True Colors but I read of many complaints that it was highly marked up. The next nearest location would be Hong Kong where a blush retails for HKD190. In the USA you can purchase it at Sephora or NARS online and it retails for US$25. I had some other colours which I got rid of e.g. Taj Mahal which was a scary burnt orange but very nice on skin. I stopped collecting after a while due to the difficulty in obtaining it, and in knowing if it would fit me.
UPDATE March 2008: The rubberized packaging on my Orgasm blush is melting! Its all sticky and gross. Yuck!
Pros: Pigmented colour, smooth powder, good range of colours, large amount
Cons: Pigmented colour is easy to overdo, expensive, not found in Malaysia, packaging attracts dirt
MWS [rating:2.5/5] for packaging
may i know which part of hk to get nars?
PB says: I know of a counter at Faces in Harbour City and at Lane Crawford at Times Square. Are you going there?
I’ve already put it in my shopping list for my mom to get it for me in HK. Haha. Tak puas hati coz I didnt get it the last two visits.
PB says: This time, make sure you get it! 🙂
Man, I’ve been itching to get the Orgasm (tee hee!) for so long now. It costs over AUD50 to get the blush, which is really expensive.
PB says: OUCH! That is super ex 🙁 Can you get someone in the US to get it for you? Its only $25. Or work hard on those paid posts! 😉
if you don’t mind me asking, why does one need so many variants of blusher? i’m still a newbie at this whole make-up scene, so i’m genuinely curious! isn’t one that suits your skin colour and give you a natural look enough?
thanks in advance 🙂
PB says: This is a very interesting question and I will devote an article to it soon. But in short, I have variants because each colour looks different and suits a different occassion and look. But then, bear in mind that’s just me 🙂
Hi, for you:
PB says: *HUGS* you are too sweet!
You’re a blush addict Paris…admit it =P Hahaha
PB says: Hehe… I am what. I admitted previously.
I just bought one Nars Blush in Orgasm off Ebay, but since this is my first one, I’m not sure if it’s Orgasm since there’s no sign of the name anywhere on the packaging! All I have is the number 406 at the back of the case. Can you verify this for me, to let me know I have the right one? A million thanks!
Elvawenn: I’ll have to check when I get home. However, usually the name is printed on the label at the back – no exceptions.
That’s so odd, I don’t have it anywhere on the product at all. Not even on the box. It kinda makes me wary when I looked at the shade and it looks so pigmented. However when I photographed the blusher it looks rather like the ones online.
Just to let you gals know, there’s some selller on eBay currently selling fake aka imitation NARS Blush esp the famous Orgasm Blush. Be wary when you buying cheap one esp from ebay sellers in Asia, I heard those imitation are coming from China.
Elvawenn: I’ll be putting up a picture of my Orgasm blush soon. Maybe you can check it against yours.
Angel: Thanks for the information! Its a real pity to have so many people faking things like cosmetics when it affects health and skin health!
Hihi, any chance you can swatch the different blush colours please? They are all so pretty I just cant decide which I should get!
@Sasha: I could but it’ll take a while and I don’t have all the colours anymore. Stay tuned for the blush swatches in a later post. Thanks.
hello, do you know whats the price of NARS blush in HKD now? Anyone been to Hong Kong recently?
nars is not so hard to find here in the philippines its available in rustans. i am moving to malaysia soon and if its a hard to find thing… gees, i dunno what to do.
Hi ,
I just bought this from Ebay, still waiting for it to arrive. When you mentioned the rubber “melts”, have you put under the sun, ie in the car when travelling? Pls let me know, so i can have some precaution. thanks!
Hi Jackie
No all my blushes are kept in a drawer in my bedroom out of the sun and heat and I never travel with them. It just melted and became sticky. All my Nars casing are starting to be like that which is very frustrating.
hi!! i’m so curious, are there any differences on the blushes’ color that appears on the pictures and in reality?? because i’m planning to buy amour, but it looks very dark on your pic (more like brown than peach), it’s not what i imagine to be, i imagine the color would be like gina in your pic. According to you which one give the best natural look, amour or gina? fyi, i have fair skin (little bit yellowish). thank u
i’m going HK soon and i intend to bring back some NARS *hohoho
last visit i was obsessed with Jill Stuart..
was googling for prices hmm i think the pricing increased already boo 🙁
i hav orgasm blusher too! delicious peachy gold shimmer~lightly tap indeed
i’d set my eyes on KUALA LUMPUR duo eyeshadow hehe
and the 15 anniversary palette..me big sucker for palette
hiii! which one would you recommend for fair-skinned chinese girls?
I’m thinking of getting either Orgasm, Sin, Torrid, Angelika or Deep Throat (not in your post).
(sorry if you’ve been receiving comments for moderation from me, i’m reading your blog from post 1 till now, so bear with me :3)
you probably need to depot your NARS blushes. the reason why the rubber melts is because of the weather here (i’m from singapore)
that being said, i can’t wait to get my hands on their blushes one day 🙂