I spotted this today while walking through Petaling Street, our version of Chinatown. There were rows and rows of stalls selling the infamous “I’m Not A Plastic Bag” bag by Anya Hindmarch, which incidentally is sold out worldwide. If Anya Hindmarch had done their market research and honestly and truly wanted to save the environment, they should have just made more for the masses. Then again, I suppose its a marketing ploy to create demand for the bag.
I’ve never seen the real thing up close so I have no idea what to expect of the bag. I honestly thought that it was pretty decent for a casual canvas bag that you can tote around town for the hell of it. Ok, so maybe not with the now infamous words printed on it. Out of curiousity, I stopped by a stall to ask how much they were selling the bag for.
The answer? RM95 was the first quote I got. WTF?! The original bag was selling for only RM55! His reason: Its sold out in the stores. Sucks to him!
The rest of the quotes ranged from RM50-60 max. All in all, very expensive for a knockoff of a RM55 bag! Ironically, I enquired as to the price of a Coach bag hanging at the stall, and was told it was RM55. That one retails for 4 digits in the store so is a decent knock off price. But to pay more than retail for a knockoff is in one word – DUMB! Sorry to anyone who resorted to doing this.
I don’t like to hang around at petaling street. but, my friend said if you know how to bargain, you can get really good deal from there, good quality replica at best price
PB says: I heard of that too. I just don’t like replicas in general
i was there a few days ago as well. for the original version, the words are stitched on, but most of the knock-offs sold are printed on the cloth. there were one or two stalls selling the knock-offs that are very close to the original (stitched on wordings, inside printed “we are what we do” and “anya hindmarch london”) but the spacing between the “i’m not a plastic bag” is too near. and they don’t have the grey version, which is the south east asia one. i saw dark brown (darker than the UK version), green and black (fake).
this fella tried to con us. he showed me the japan version (green wordings) and told me he queued up for it at KLCC. wtf. -_- so smart la go and queue in japan issit.
PB says: LOL A seller tried to tell me theirs was original too. Weird. I saw lots of dark blue ones (US version) and green ones
oh yeah, my mom enquired how much the green one would cost. at first the fella said lowest RM30. so my mom said okla. still considered quite cheap for a huge bag. but then when my mom wanted it at RM30, he said “RM40 la RM 40. just 10 ringgit more only.” WTF. we walked away immediately. really too much la that guy. conman through and through.
PB says: That’s too much. I thought they had more “honour” than that
wow, the vendor actually know it is a sold out and in high demand? cool. but that asking price? goodness! 🙂
PB says: Ya but he quickly reduced it to RM50 when I told him he had to be kidding
A cart store in One U is selling at RM45 (before bargaining)… so, these petaling street guys are really ripping shoppers off 🙂
PB says: Ooh! That’s good to know 😉 And yes its a total ripoff at petaling st.
just to let you know that sg wang shops are selling it for RM 29.90. i got mine from there