I posted previously about the Anya Hindmarch “I’m not a Plastic Bag” bag that launched in KLCC today 6th July 2007.
I woke up early and dragged my sorry self to KLCC at about 8am intended to queue for the bag that retails at RM55. Its probably the only Anya Hindmarch bag I can afford! Anyway, I was also there to try to score a bag for my sister and Doris.
When I got to the 2nd floor, I was stunned to see a queue snaking all the way from the store front to the centre of the mall and it kept going! Horrifying! The signs said that the queue was to start from 7am.
They queued but did they get it?
It was only 8.15am by the time I got there and the store opens at 10am. I took a look at the 300 or so people sitting and standing in the queue and I thought “Sod it!” There was no way I was going to sit there for 2 hours, with no guarantee of getting the bag. The sales assistant had told me over the phone that I could queue but “There is no guarantee you can get the bag.” I don’t even know how many the store had for sale. All I know is that they tried to order more but their request was denied. So, I did not think they had that many to start with, what with reservations from celebrities and their regular customers.
I had to apologise to Doris and my sis but there you go. Isn’t it odd that a bag created to help save the environment by reducing the use of plastic bags would be made in such limited quantities? You would think that they should make more so more people can buy it! But its a branded design so I guess they had to maintain some form of exclusivity.
If anyone can get me an “I’m not a plastic bag” bag at retail (US$15, GBP7.50, RM55) I’d really appreciate it. I’m not going to pay a lot over retail. That’s just silly. But I will offer a small finder’s fee 😉 Thank you!
And this craze is all over a bag? I thought it was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows!
Lucky I’m not one of those shoppers. LOL!
PB says: Read the rest of the comments. Lucky you weren’t! Hehe…
u missed the whole drama dear. went there to get my pr-ordered bag but was told to queue since the bag would be sold off on 1st come 1st serve basis. those who lined up from 6 am this morning got mad when told by the manager that all bags were sold out and told them to leave.
PB says: Wah so did you manage to get yours? And it was really cheeky of them asking people to queue for the bags knowing full well there aren’t enough to sustain a long queue.
Honey, I was there as well and I came at 7am. There was FOUR. 4. Empat. Ppl in front of me before it was declared sold out.
U aint getting the bag any cheaper…look at ebay. It’s selling for at least 70 quid. Forget it.
PB says: Sheesh… kinda defeated the whole hype about the bag huh? Oh well, I saw it today on a lady. It was not as cute as I thought it would be. Definitely not 70 quid cute lol
those who start to Q at 6am also cannot get it.
PB says: Wah! Then how the heck did anyone get it?!
Hi, sorry to hear u didnt manage to get THE bag. A lady actually pretended to faint in order to jump que but the plan failed due to her poor acting skill 😛 Anyways, without the bag, u can still help by declining plastic bags 🙂
PB says: OMG she was that desperate huh? And yes, I’ll still be environmentally friendly without a swanky bag hehe…
i a man who dont know anything and care about handbag. but my receptionist could not leave the office so i queue up for her. i queue up since 730. my receptionist bought me orange juice for breakfast while im in queue. then at 1120 am, people in front said no more bag. but at least i make two friends and got their friendsters. hihi. finally my receptionist paid my lunch that day. i wonder why women so crazy about handbag haaa. i would give the bag to my grandma and tell her to use it when going to fish market.
PB says: That’s nice of you. We are women. We are strange people. LOL
Don mean to be a meanie..but i got mine. I preordered months ago and paid in full. It’s strange how many didn’t know that orders were being taken.
PB says: Aww… lucky you! Hope you enjoy your bag!
Tks for sending me the sms 🙂 Honestly, I knew this might happen. Many people who are queuing are buying this for resale… quick $$ mah. But look at it on the bright side – it’s just a bag lah 😛
WOW…is that bag really worth it???? I am supershocked. I thought this happened in HK only
PB says: IMHO its not worth it, but its worth owning a RM55 Anya Hindmarch! LOL…
hi dear… im one of the crazy cockooooooo over go go ga ga ing crazyyyy bout the bag. so i went there as early as 630 n q just like others n so happy when they did the head count, i was at least no.210 in the long q… waited patiently and i was half dreaming imagining how stylish i would be that nite showing off my soon to be IM X A PLASTIC BAG to my frenz over dinner. After waiting for 4 hours, they declared the bag is sold out!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO… turn out that im x among the lucky ones!!!!!!!! sigh.. im so devastated!!!!!!! no words could describe my feelings till today… 🙁
PB says: OMG I’m so sorry to hear you went through all the trouble for nothing! 🙁 Thanks for sharing your story
I know this comment is so late but I wanted to chime in that I too was half persuaded to “want” the bag when I first saw it online. And then it said “limited” and I know I was not going to work up my eagerness in the face of great potential disappointment (I mean, an Anya Hindmarch original I can afford!). Though I did saw some smart Brits launching the same design bag sporting the words (in the same fonts) “I’m not a Smug twat”. Now THAT bag, I want.
do u know that cheesie just auctioned hers for rm600?!!