M.A.C Cosmetics is commonly known as just MAC, as in the computer and as in Big Mac. It is a line of cosmetics that has a large following all around the world. To many, to use (or in makeup parlance, wear) MAC is considered having reached the pinnacle of makeup mastery.
I however, do not number among the MAC fans. These are my reasons after the jump.
I cannot deny that MAC is tops for colour. If you have ever walked into a MAC store or to a MAC counter, you’ll know what I mean. They have just about every single colour available that you can think of. There are about 20 different shades of green alone and they keep coming out with more.
Some shades and collections however, are just unwearable for normal day to day activities, unless you are a makeup artist or model. If you are, then MAC is your friend. Their colours are excellent, pigmented and bright. But if you hold a day job some colours may just be too bright to pass muster.
An example is MAC’s latest collection – C Shock. I’m not overly fussed about the bright colours on the eyes. But I must admit the blue lipstick threw me for a loop. That is something that only a company like MAC can pull off, and that is also why I say they are too impractical. Innovative and eye catching yes, but impractical for us everyday folk.
Limited Editions every week
MAC launches a new collection just about every week with “Limited Edition” items and colours. The collections don’t get here as quickly as they launch in the USA, the homeground of MAC which is a relief. If you are a MAC fan, keeping up with the many collections can burn a huge hole in your wallet. Also, if you watch the colours closely enough, you’ll notice that colours start to repeat themselves after a spell. If not exactly, then with just a twist in the shade. If you are a MAC fan, you probably already own something in your collection that you can use to dupe the new colours.
The bonus is that since it comes out earlier in the USA, there are lots of reviews of the products around so once it gets to our shores, we’ll know what works and what we should steer clear of.
Eyeshadows fade on me
I don’t have oily eyelids and I don’t usually have a problem with eyeshadow colours fading on my lids. MAC colours however, do. After a couple of hours, the colours fade away to just a hint of color on my lids which is quite awful if you work a full day. This is however, limited to just me and curable with an eyelid primer.
The lipsticks dry my lips out
Again, I don’t usually have a problem with lipsticks. MAC lipsticks however, cause my lips to dry out. I asked around before I tried, for the most moisturising, and was recommended the Lustre lipsticks. I bought one in Blossom which is a lovely coral pink shade. My lips however, hated it – darn!
I wouldn’t consider MAC high end. However, here in Malaysia, our prices are pretty high compared to the prices in the USA. For example, an eyeshadow pot costs US$14 (RM48.50) but here retails for RM57. A blush pot costs US$17.50 (RM60.50) but reatails for RM70 here. I suppose the import fees and taxes should be factored in for us but if you like MAC stuff, and know someone in the USA or someone going there, ask them to get it for you – you save a bundle.
Looking at the USA prices its clear that MAC is not being branded as a high end brand. I’d go so far as to say they are a mid-priced range of makeup which is affordable to the masses. Here however, the pricing puts it out of the range of most of the young crowd to whom this brand is targeted.
Texture of the makeup
Maybe its the makeup I’m used to but I don’t like the texture of MAC eyeshadows and blulsh. The pigmentation is excellent, I admit. However, I work a lot with my fingers and I found that it leaves a film on top of the colours that really bugs me. Its from the oils in the fingers and quite common. However, I don’t find this happening in Japanese brands or in some of the higher end brands, so I don’t like it. The blush colours are nice but somehow I never got into it as a brand for blush. This is however changing with the times.
Scary salespersons
I’ve never really had a good experience with the sales persons at MAC except for one or two at the MAC store in KLCC. Other salespersons tend to border on being rude. They don’t try to show you what they have, they are quite curt and condescending if you know more than they do about their upcoming collections, and their makeup scares me. The complaint about them being rude doesn’t seem to be limited to just here in Malaysia however. I’ve read about many people experiencing this problem at other countries around the world, so it looks as if its a worldwide phenomenon. Not very encouraging.
The scary makeup bit is also a common complaint. Maybe MAC encourages creativity but its a bit of a turn off to customers, especially if these are the same people who are doing a makeover on you. Heavy makeup is fine. Creative makeup for an event is fine. But it might be easier to lure someone into the store with strong but wearable makeup.
Then again…
So you can tell I really don’t quite like MAC very much. I used to have a fair amount of MAC stuff but I gave them all away in the end to people who appreciate it more. However, there are 2 things from MAC I like:
- Pigments – I love working with these pigment powders and use them mainly as eyeshadow. The colors are more intense than pressed powder shadows and they come in a huge pot for RM80. It’ll last you a lifetime.
- Brushes – I’ve found that MAC makeup brushes are pretty good and don’t cost as much as some of the other brands. I’m not extremely picky about my makeup brushes, so long as they do the job well. In fact, although many don’t like the MAC travel set of brushes as they say the quality isn’t as good, I quite like these travel sets as they are value for money. I have a set and I’ve never had problems with it and it works well for me.
So, there you have it. My reasons that MAC Cosmetics isn’t quite for me. At the end of the day, it all comes down to individual likes and dislikes and what works for one may not work for another. For me, I guess I just prefer other brands of makeup.
I know there are many fans out there of this brand, who would happily disagree with me. I would like to hear from you if you are a fan of this brand, as to why you are a fan. It would be enlightening to us all.
I’ve never been a fan of MAC Cosmetics. Used to buy their eye shadows and lipsticks but have stopped a couple of years ago. I think I just got tired of the fact that everyone likes the brand. Ha. But I do like their pencils.
PB says: I went through the testing period too and decided I did not like them and that its over hyped
It IS an overhyped brand, that I’d agree with you. The only thing I like about the brand is that it comes out with quite good foundation, which I use. Other than that, I really wouldn’t wanna get anything else. The brushes are a tad too expensive for me though; still, I might actually maybe get one or two (good quality brushes can last a long time if taken care of properly).
The ONE thing that keeps me away from MAC stores is that I simply can’t stand the sales assistants. Apparently this isn’t just from one or two branches; I’ve read of so many other complaints! I mean, hey one or two, cut ’em some slack (probably think they’re so “IN” for working with such a famous brand), but branch after branch, you get the same kind of arrogant SAs who can’t even be bothered with you if you are just browsing. Tsk tsk tsk.
PB says: True true about the SAs. I don’t know why they have to be so off putting
me not a big fan of theirs, never used anything from MAC before. I went in the store once and the SA looked at me in a weird way, probably thinking that I can’t afford their stuff. I was wearing shorts and without any make up on. damn people. i would not go there again
PB says: That was rude but unfortunately quite common
Seriously, I find the SA damn intimidating. The other time when I just got back from HK, I was looking around for the eyeshadow quad promo coz it just launched in HK and I was sorta indecisive and hence decided to get it back here in KL. I approached one of the SA and asked directly bout the quad and he said in a malas nak layan way, “Finish adi” and walked away. WTF? I just said out loud, “So rude, I’m never coming back here again”
I used to promote cosmetics for Dior and whenever a customer comes by looking for a specific item, which has already been sold out..I would automatically try recommending her other similar substitutes so I expect the same kinda treatment to be given to me by these MAC SAs but instead, I just got pushed away.
It’s not surprising that their counters are often empty. Not only do their SAs look cocky but are actually rude too. Another experience from my bf’s SIL is that IF you don’t look made up or look slightly underdress, they won’t even come and attend to you and would answer your queries half-heartedly.
Having said that, they only nice SA from MAC that I ever experienced was the one in Gurney Plaza penang. He was wonderful even tho I didn’t purchase anything (no stock)
I personally prefer Bobbi Brown. One swipe on the blush is enough to give me colors on my cheek. RM80 is definitely gonna last me a long time.
PB says: Wow that was pretty rude. I don’t know how they are doing here as a brand. The SAs don’t seem very interested in selling their products – the last few times I walked in, I was totally ignored! Made me happy though because I could browse to my heart’s content
Hmm… I have not come across any nasty M.A.C. SAs yet. So far, the ones I met have been real nice and recommended some good stuff. Love their Angel blush, studio fix concealer, studio fix liquid foundation and sheer pressed powder, but ambivalent towards their studio fix powder foundation which kinda seems patchy on my face. No comments on their eyeshadows and lippies though since I’m not really into them. 🙂
PB says: Wow lucky you! I’ve heard good things about their foundation so I guess maybe it is good just I haven’t tried it heh
I have never used their product but I do agree with PB and prettybeautiful, their sales people did look at people in an intimidating ways which really puts me off from visiting their stores.
PB says: Next time do what I do – put on your equally bitchy face and waltz in, check out the stuff and waltz back out. After all its your money 😉
This evening (Oct 5 2007) I visited the latest M.A.C. outlet in Kuala Lumpur. This is the new mall in Kuala Lumpur, Pavilion. I was there around 6.30 -7.00 pm. I was served by a sales girl. I told her I was looking for a waterproof eye shadow or eye liner. She showed me some colors. She tested a few colors on my wrist and then I asked her if I could try on my eyes. She said yes and I chose blue cream eye shadow. She handed over the cream and a brush but she walked away. I was puzzled and waited for her return. After few minutes, she came back and we looked at each other. So I asked her what to do with the cream and a brush that I was holding. She said I am supposed to put on myself. I told her I had not used cream eye shadow and asked her to help me. So she put on one eye for me. After looking at the mirror, I did not like the color on me so I told her the same. She gave me some remover to clean one eye that I tried the color. After that, I said I could not go around the mall with one eye bare and the other eye colored (my original make up was on). So she said I could use one of MAC color to put on the side that did not have any make up. Then I said I would have different color on my eyes so I asked if she could find the nearest match to the color that I had on my eyes. She said she could find and asked me to look for the color myself. As I could not find any color that is almost like the color that I had, so I asked her if she could help to put on (eye shadow) the side that had no make up as well as covering over the existing make up on the other eye. She said that would cost me RM80.00. I was jaw dropped. I asked to confirm and she replied the same. Then she said I could pick one base color and do it myself. I am totally lost. I had no choice but picked one color and put on myself. Guess I was upset over this and putting on the color badly. She then offered to help and she did but, that was it. I left the place. The reason I walked into the shop because I was told about the product. Just that now thing has gone the wrong way and I was humiliated. What have I done to deserve this?
PB says: That was a truly awful experience! I have written to you on email. I hope you take this up with the company – seriously. Its the best thing to do.
But i like the fact that their colours are bright and over the top. Also like urban decay make up. Its not exactly for boring day to day make up, if your after that id try benefit.
The service at MAC are rather extreme. It depends on their SAs. Some SAs are friendly to evrybody but most SAs are rather snobbish. I always have the feeling that I
‘m x-rayed by the staff once I step in, to see if I’m worth serving?
Heard from my SA that politics in SA is rather bad.
Once, I called my SA to reserve limited edition items in the morning it was launched in S’pore. When I went down in the evening to purchase the items, it was not in the plastic bag that my SA had put aside and reserved for me. Other SA have already sold the item.
I guess MAC’s culture is rather competitive.
MAC reshuffles their staff every 2 years. In C.K.Tangs(S’pore), the service used to be rather bad, but it has improved slightly since the reshuffling.
Heard that quarrels among SAs are rather common. They bitch about their customers and will try to snatch other SAs rich tai tai customers.
All cosmetic brands have good and bad qualities. Some people, such as myself, love to wear bold colored eyeshadows and some do not. It is preference. I think MAC is highly innovative. Their make-up is highly pigmented and true to color. I love ’em!
I started to purchase mac makeup since i started to have some extra money… first i’m just thinking of buying their bronzing powder…however it’s not really to my liking but it is just because i did not really know what kind of finish i want on my face… i just been there twice, bought 2 powder and a lipstick. actually they are at good quality… their sa is really nice… i think they just might be slack off, if the customer are not really interested. anyway, i ask a lot of question about highlighting and sculpturing face…and they answer really well. when i want to buy lipstick, i ask them for a bold colour that match my dark tanned skin, and they give me this shade which is really bold and kinda make me scare to wear it, but surprisingly quite subtle on my face. i like mac because they give me more courage & confident to be a little different, not boring. their SA is really super nice, they even recommend a lot great stuff, but you must be a little more curious. If you think they only care about trendy and up-to-date customer, you r wrong because i came with my mom, and we not really stylish in our makeup and wear headscarf… but still they are nice to us, they even tell us the contain of the makeup…their SA maybe a little OTT with their makeup, but that should be their standard. if you r asking for something practical, then ask for it. i bought their iridescent powder which is a really great highlighter eventhough i’m not really a great fan of shimmer and it give me this glowing complexian eventhough i am dark toned. it just work well, even when i have acne on my face and i can use it everyday. the lipstick eventhough not really moisturizing but it says long and does not stain… i think the rude SA you all been talking is just stress or whatever, but i think they are much helpful then other brand SA…. some brand just talk about the quality like it is rocket science, but they really did not explain in adaptation to our lifestyle, and not many SA are capable in giving advice about colours unlike MAC SA…. until now, if i have th extra money, i usually think about splurging in MAC makeup. about repetitive colour, just make sure you are wise enough to know which to buy…. if you thinking about buying all collection i guess you are the naive customers and it is not their fault.
I totally agree!
hmn…but i like MAC sa,
maybe is in JB,
the SA all very polite,
and give me many times to decide the thing i want,
and,give me sample,haha!
MAC ‘s fan forever^^
If I have read your blog two years ago, I would say I’m totally agreed that MAC’s SAs are the most scary of all. But to my surprise, I started to see their improvement in service, really!
Years ago, there were a few rules that you ought to be awared of when shopping for MAC in Bangkok – travel in group, don’t fly alone. SA people were too ready to eat you raw! If you walk in alone without glamorously dressed, not only those SAs will ignore you, they will give you a very disgusting look that could be implied as “you can’t afford to buy stuff here, go away!” But as a group, SA tend to treat you better (this rule still apply todays.) Also, asking more than 3 questions would resulted in unhappy face from the service provider. There was even a gossip about a customer threw stuff at SA’s face becasue she was very angry with the service. (Well, no surprise.) So, for a very long time I didn’t buy any MAC products becasue I was too afraid to walk into the shop. Besides, if I were to pay my money, I would rather pay for something I’m totally happy about, don’t you agree?
However, last year when I unintentionally accompanied my friend to a MAC shop, to my super super surprise, the SA treated us quite fine. A couple visits after that were also not bad, even when I wore an overly casual dress and didn’t make any purchase in the end. Well, maybe finally the company starts to take customers’ opinions seriously. Afterall, this is what I see from 5-6 MAC shops in Bangkok. I have no idea how things go for you guys. But if the SAs are still suck at their jobs, then I think sending complaints to the company is a very good idea.
haiz,no eye see should band the brand……….
now is 2008 no this kind service anymore k…..
i know its an old post, but thought i’d comment.
its true that mac is overhyped.
But i would say that mac Sales people in both Malaysia and singapore have attitude problems. Back there they dont even bother to apply the product properly and treat you with a condescending attitude and are not helpful.
But in australia i think they’re pretty alright. but australian sales people in general are a lot more helful and cheerful (esp if you dont buy).
its pretty sad that from experience in Malaysia and Singapore, Mac seems to suffer consumer loss and bad reputation due to their incompetent sales people. In other countries Mac does well and their marketing strategy is pretty uniformed, so i’m pretty sure its because of the SP attitude and training. Hopefully Mac/ the company who brings Mac in will pay attention to this problem that could erode the brand. After all, Mac does have good products.
Hi Guys! Im new here, from Singapore. I have to agree with those who say most SAs in Singapore and Bangkok have attitude problems. I think u get judged by what you wear. When i shop for makeup specifically, i like to go with a clean face. Guess that translates= cant afford or dont know anything about makeup. The SAs most of the time are too busy trying to impose their ideas/taste upon you rather than what suits your particular coloring. Given that some of them look like trannies, I would rather shop around myself than have these arrogant idiots paint my face. Since I have researched widely and know my stuff, they tend to treat me pretty contemptously. I spent $450 in all last week buying brushes, pigments and eyeshadows both in Bangkok MAC and Singapore MAC but still got the same hostile attitude, more so in Bangkok. Although they have a good variety of colours and all, simply out of principle, I am gonna stop patronising them. By the way, I went to the MAC in Florida 2 months ago and got excellent service. The SAs there were far more knowledgeable, accomodating to my million questions, didn t resort to any pressure tactics andmost importantly didn t treat me like some pariah. In fact they complimented me and did a super make over on me. Exemplary retail service! And i only spent $70 there. We should all write a collective petition to MAC prompting them to hire better SAs.
The it depends i had a really nice SA help me at mac the first time i went in to the store. i notice that they male SA tend to be the nicest.
Ok so I happened to come across this website and started reading the ignorant comments that some of you MAC haters posted. I worked at a MAC counter and I am sick and tired of annoying, rude, and indecisive customers such as many of you on here.
The MAC employees are not conceited nor do they think they are better than anyone else. Do you really think that because you walk in dressed in sweat pants and without makeup that we would not want to service you?? Are you serious! Get over yourself please. I have one word for you… INSECURITY! I guarantee you that 75% of us employees don’t even wear makeup on our days off so we really don’t care what the hell you look like!
And did it ever occur to you that maybe it’s not us with the attitude but you?? Some of you customer’s are intimidated by us and you have an attitude as soon as you walk in the door. I don’t care if I am working but if I have a a rude customer I am going to be rude right back. Who do you think you are? You think because you are the customer and we are the sales associate that we’re supposed to put up with your crap… I’m sorry ladies it doesn’t work that way.
The majority of you have called our makeup scary, I call it artistic ability that you wish you had.
And for Tash who posted a comment back in May 2008, I don’t give a shit that you spent $400+ on MAC makeup, a customer is a customer whether you spend a few hundred dollars or you buy a sponge for $5, you’re going to be treated the same. So don’t think just because you can drop money on makeup that we should roll out the red carpet.
So to all you MAC haters, get a life please, you’re really not that immportant.
terasa kot.. kakakakaka
hello ladies…well,i am really sorry if some of you are feeling unhappy with some of the services u received during your visit the mac store..before i go further,i would love to correct something…we are in sales and retail line but we are actually makeup artist..i have to agree with with brit..why do people always complain?well,i am very sure sure that some of u here had a great experience in mac store before…i am one of the mac make up artist in kuala lumpur…to be honest i have lots of loyal and wonderful customers…do you think that we will have lots of regulars if we provide such bad service?being very honest,due to shortage of manpower,mac will have some partimers working for the brand….but i can guarantee you that most of the mac permanent makeup artist are really helpful and nice…”don’t judge the book by it’s cover”…maybe we have that arrogant and bitchy look…but deep down inside we are not!!!you are most welcome to visit our store…:)…we are ready to help and serve you…provided you are open and willing not to judge us before hand…ok?again i am sorry if you ever came across bad experiences at mac…nothing is perfect right?…again…come and visit us…WELCOME TO MAC:)….CHEERS.