Heavens! Sooyin tagged me on this and seriously, you do not want to see my dressing table because its a mess. But here are my answers to the questions posed.
What five beauty products could you not live without?
Honestly, there’s nothing I can’t live without. Everything is replaceable to a degree and I have replaced most of them. So, what I’ll do is choose 5 of my favourite beauty products.
- L’oreal UV Perfect SPF 50 sunscreen
- Bobbi Brown long wear gel eyeliner
- Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer
- Kanebo Faircrea UV Pact 2 way foundation powder
- Vasline petroleum jelly to keep my lips chap free and glossy
The best part is that I can go out with just those 5 things on my face and feel pretty good about it!
What’s the worst beauty mistake you’ve made?
Letting a facialist have her way with trimming my eyebrows. I ended up with little squiggly sperm wriggling above my eye. Ew…
What’s your skincare regime consist of?
The brands of products I use vary from time to time, but these are the types of products I use everyday.
Tone with Apple Cider Vinegar toner
L’oreal UV Perfect Sunscreen
Eye and lip makeup remover
Oil cleanser
Cleansing foam or scrub (alternate days)
Tone with Apple Cider Vinegar toner
Favourite beauty treat?
Facials. They work wonders for my skin. I try to schedule an appointment every 3 weeks but I’ve been slacking and it shows on my skin. I just went for one last week and my skin has been looking radiant for a week! Imagine just how much better I’d look if I was more regular?
What’s your favourite beauty store?
Nothing specific. Probably Strawberrynet LOL!
Favourite budget brand?
For makeup found in Malaysia, I’d say Silkygirl. Don’t thumb your nose at this local brand. Their funky eyeliners are excellant and comparable to none. Their eyeshadows too are adventurous in colour and good in texture. The blushes look nice on. The 2 way foundation powder is great too as are the moisture lipsticks. There are some duds, but overall, its a pretty good brand that’s cheap!
Favourite premium brands?
I don’t have one. I don’t really do premium brands due to budget constraints but for mid-high end range, there’s always something good and something bad to pick out from every brand 🙂
What’s your every girl must own one item
Sunscreen. For those living in the tropics, its a MUST HAVE! SPF50 is the way to go for the face. I know people say you are ok with just SPF15 but I went out in SPF15 in this tropical weather and before long I was wishing I had used my usual SPF50 sunscreen because my face felt like it was burning up!
And what about skin care: Favourite premium and budget brands?
I’d go with Kanebo for premium and L’oreal for budget because both work pretty well for me.
And hair care?
I wholeheartedly believe in Redken. I stopped for a while and my hair is a tangled bird’s nest!
And finally, best beauty tip?
As Soo Yin said, sunscreen is a girl’s best friend. It protects your skin from the UV rays of the sun and is the best anti-aging product to use that really works. Use it everyday, whether you are in or out of the house. Even if you are just staying in, the UV rays know no barrier unless you are in a cube with no windows. So, slather it on. Your skin will thank you when you are 60.
Also, get lots of sleep. When you sleep and rest, your body regenerates and recharges and renews itself. To quicken the renewal process of your skin, you need to get as much rest as you can. That’s probably why babies have such soft smooth skin! 😀 So, sleep early at night.
And on that note, its beddy byes for me! 🙂
My taggees are:
- Tine’s beauty site
- Beetrice’s Reviews
- Pretty Beautiful
- Women only!
sooyin says
Thanks for doing the tag! =))
Tine says
Oooh a tag :p Will get to it soonest 🙂