Turbulent is a limited edition blush from Chanel’s 2006 Summer Collection. Its a Joues Contrast blush which is the round ones not the quilted one.
The colour is a very cool toned pink with lots of shimmer. The texture is hard as its a baked powder blush. This is opposed to pressed powder i.e. where they compress the powder. However, despite it feeling hard to the touch, its very pigmented. One swipe of your brush over the blush, and you’ll have a lovely pink flush with shimmer.
This is my first Chanel Joues Contrast blush and I am sure its not going to be my last!
The problem however, is that this Chanel blush colour is limited edition and already sold out in many counters. So, I rooted around my blush stash, and came up with a dupe in Make Up For Ever No. 85.
Here are some comparison pictures of the 2 blushes.
The Chanel blush is lighter pink in pan with more sparkles. The Make Up For Ever one is more berry toned and more pigmented.
Here is a picture without flash of the two blushes. Very similar no?
Finally, here’s a picture of both swatched on my arm.
In pan, they don’t look as similar, but on skin, they are quite indistinguishable. They are both a cool pink on skin with Chanel being more shimmery than Make Up For Ever. If you like cool shades and missed out on Chanel’s Tubulent blush, don’t worry, just stroll down to the Make Up For Ever counter and pick up its cheaper dupe!
Chanel Joues Contrast blushes retail here for RM133 each. Make Up For Ever blushes retail at about RM63 each.
I won’t be doing a pro/con thing for this one as its a comparison post. But I have nothing but raves for both these blushes!!
Very nice review!!