Are you a fan of loose powder eyeshadow? Or maybe you have heard so much about Stila’s All Over Shimmer Eyes loose powder eyeshadow but have not tried them because they cost RM65 for one little tiny pot?
Well, here’s a sale worth running for. Stila’s little pots of eye colour are now only US$7 (RM28) on for a limited time. There are 3 colours available #3 – Lilac as in picture, #8 – Charcoal grey, #9 – Teal/Turquoise.
I have #3 and its a shimmery lilac on the eyes. Its blue toned which is good as it doesn’t make my eyes look puffy or like I’ve been crying as purples are wont to do. If you get it for US$7 its great value for money because the pot is really tiny. If you have to pay full price (US$16), then I’d reconsider. offers free shipping worldwide and I’ve had great experiences with them. They take paypal so if you have some money from paid posts languishing in your account why not splurge a little on yourself? 🙂
looks great, i think i wanna get one 😀
PB says: Yay! Let us know how you like it!
free lipstick >usd25, damn they wanna con me to buy more 🙁 im still looking at other products. see if there is anything really worth buying
Eh, nice! I’m checking out a new label lately – benefits – the stuff are quirky and very interesting.
Also, want to tell you that you are tagged 🙂
Have a great weekend!
PB says: I have Georgia blush but haven’t heard many good things about Benefit except that they are cute 🙂 Thanks for the tag will look into it and you have a good weekend too!
you purchased items from how long do they take to ship the items? did it arrived safely??
i’m thinking of buying stila’s retractable brush, which is only RM69.70 while in counter (Msia) sold at RM110.
do you think its worth it?? do let me know ya… really wanna buy it but just scared..
PB says: Strawberrynet worked very well for me. My package came within a week of my order and it is very well packaged. I don’t know about Stila’s retractable brush but hey, since its cheaper online, why not? So far I’ve had nothing but good experiences on Strawberrynet.
thats cool~ thanks alot ya~
PB says: Welcome.
hey i am interested in stila comestics, but its my 1st time here.. how do i order? 🙁 hmm not used to getting around this site yet..
Is it secure to give them my credit card security number via email when I’ve already submitted it in the billing site of their strawberrynet website?