I’m no expert but here are some tips I have picked up from over the years to prevent wrinkles and premature aging. Nothing tells age more than wrinkles, especially those around the eyes.
Wrinkles and skin elasticity has a lot to do with lifestyle and genetics, but you can use these tips to delay the inevitable.
The skin on your eyelids and around your eyes are very thin and delicate. Constant pulling and tugging on them will cause them to stretch and this will cause wrinkles. To prevent wrinkles and avoid premature aging, try these tips:
- When removing eye makeup, don’t pull or tug on your eyelid. Instead, saturate a cotton pad with eye makeup remover then hold it over your eye for a few seconds before lightly swiping across your eye. This will help the remover dissolve and loosen your eye makeup and make it easier to remove.
- When using waterproof makeup, always use an eye makeup remover that can remove waterproof makeup to prevent tugging.
- Use an eye cream. Even eyelids need moisturising.
- When applying eye cream use your ring finger (4th finger). Its usually your weakest finger.
- To apply eye cream, dab some eye cream on each ring finger, rub your ring fingers together to spread the cream then dab gently and lightly on your eye area. Do not drag your skin.
- Do not rub your eyes.
- Wear sunglasses. Its good to protect your eyes and will prevent you from squinting.
The skin on your face is usually more delicate than the skin on your body. Also, we don’t realise this but our face muscles move a lot during the day, and all this adds to wrinkles but these tips can help you delay that effect:
- Don’t rest your face on your palm. Its tempting to do so when in thought, but this results in you pushing up your cheeks and causing lines to form.
- Don’t frown often. Frowning causes lines to form on your forehead and if you aren’t careful those creases will remain permanently.
- Don’t pull faces often.
- Don’t squint.
- Use a good moisturiser. Dry skin wrinkles more easily than properly moisturised skin.
- When applying your moisturiser, don’t rub and pull on your facial skin. There are 2 ways you can apply your skincare. If its a cream, dab 5 dots on your face: forehead, nose, cheeks and chin and then gently spread out without tugging. If its a lotion, spread it in your palms before applying to your face.
- When cleansing your face, lather up your cleansing lotion or cream or scrub in your palms first before applying to a damp face to avoid pulling on the skin.
- Use a good sunscreen or sunblock. Make sure you use one that blocks UV-A and UV-B rays.Â
- Try not to sleep on one side of your face but its hard to do.
- Stop smoking or don’t start. The pursing and puckering up of your lips will cause lines to form on your lips and around your mouth.
- Don’t sulk and don’t purse your lips with displeasure.
But above all, smile often. It will give you wrinkles but of the good kind. 🙂
great tips! I always lather the cleanser on my palm first before rubbing it to my face 😀 actually it’s more like because it won’t ‘hurt’ my skin directly
PB says: Good practice! I know people who lather it on their face directly which is a big no no
You know what they say – it takes 50 muscles to make a frown, but only 13 to produce a smile. So go figure eh? 😉
PB says: Ah yep! Keep those smiles coming!
Ai yo.. cham lah.. I have this habit to rest my face on my palm and sleeping one side… I think I must compensate it with smiling more!
PB says: I too am guilty of this and frowning when I’m thinking. Guess smiling more won’t hurt!