Tine of Oh for the Love of Me! had this cheap and easy way to get rid of cracked heels.
All it calls for is for a pumice stone, some body scrub, and a good moisturiser. All of these items can be picked up for cheap at a drugstore or your nearest Watsons or Guardian pharmacies.
The key thing here is regular scrubbing and cleaning of our feet, which is something many of us neglect. How many of us have neglected our poor feet that carry us throughout the day? I’m one of those guilty ones. But with Tine’s tips, I will now make sure I pamper my feet when I shower for nothing feels nicer than a pair of soft clean feet.
Read her entry on her blog here. And if you like what you’ve read, browse on over to her new beauty blog, Beautyholics Anonymous for more beauty tips and reviews.
Awwww … thanks for pimpin’ me, girl! Much appreciated, and glad you enjoyed the post 😉
Now here are so many creams to heal cracked heels, like the one from Elgy, or Ellgy? or something. Looks good but I have never tried it. I scrub my heels once in a while 😉