I came across Bag Borrow or Steal while searching for clutches. Yes yes I still have not found my clutch yet. But there was tons on this site.
I was rather taken in by these.
Bag Borrow or Steal has an interesting concept that I have not seen elsewhere. Essentially, by signing up as a member of the site, they let you “borrow” designer bags and jewellery which you can keep for as long as you like, and when the fad has run its course, you can return the bag and borrow another one.
Looks to be easy on the pocket eh? Sorta like a Rent-a-bag. Especially great for those who like to be seen with the latest and hippest but don’t have the financial clout to own everything in the market. Actually, someone sorta like me hehe…
In fact, it works great if you attend a lot of functions or are in a job that requires you to meet and mingle with the fashion crowd. This way you save your money and yet are seen with the hottest fashion accessories of the season.
You can read about how it works on their FAQ page. Essentially you join as a member, then pay a weekly or monthly “rent” for “borrowing” a branded bag. Different brands are banded into different tiers which attract a different charge. The “steal” part of the company’s name is when you decide you want to keep the bag that you have “borrowed”. You then pay them a fixed price for the bag and voila! Its yours!
So far, this is only for people residing in the USA and I can understand why for it would be impossible to track and coordinate this on a global scale. However, I can also tell you right now that there’s no way it will work here in Malaysia, small as it is. It would be nice if it did though. It’ll save me a mint in new bags!
doris says
Ya… Ya.. if this concept is implemented here.. it will be Bag Borrow and Gone forever – kakakaka. It’s definitely a new concept, just like those rent a gown store.
PB says: Yeah haha… I can imagine every item will always be out of stock and we’d probably get fakes or something 😛
Andy says
The success of BagBorroworSteal has been impressive – nearly 200k visitors per month. The Compete.com blog takes a look at the site’s traffic and its potential for continued success – it has even more page views per visitor than Netflix. Check out the post… http://blog.compete.com/2007/05/21/bagborroworsteal-designer-handbags-netflix-model/
Rebecca says
BBOS has been around for a while now, and certainly has been successful. In a recent trip overseas, I noticed that these services are popping up everywhere – in the UK they have BeAFashionista.co.uk and in Australia they have http://www.lovemeandleaveme.com.au – you can’t go wrong in my opinion, Designer Handbags at a fraction of the cost. What you dont like you can just hand right back!!!
Jade says
Oh, at Indonesia, my friend told me there’s a similar service. Wonder when these kind of service will be introduced in Malaysia =/
amelia says
call me blonde but i think it’s the greatest idea in the history of mankind.
lol.they actually have such service in singapore (beafashionista.com).
membership starts at $30 (the collection size is rather small unless u opt for a pricier membership).malaysia should really2 start one!
members would definitely hv to return the bags,the website actually keeps their credit card information!we need not worry abt fakes.we can always tell the difference of an original balenciaga bag from a fake one!doubt any business would wanna jeopardize their credibility!
Penny Pincher says
I got a better one for ya…my co-workers and I have been using http://www.letmeborrowthat.com non-stop for a few weeks now. It’s unbelievable how much stuff you find yourself borrowing instead of buying…just because you can! And its FREE! BagBorrow is way too expensive. Enjoy!