Doris tagged me to ask where I wanted to go. This tag is rather convoluted, but I’d seen it around before, so I wasn’t as confused as I usually am. Here goes.
My #1 place to visit at the moment is Japan. I want to see the Sakura and I’m sore about the fact my trip got cancelled. However, Msau has already taken that country, so here’s mine.
Italy! I’d say the whole country, but where I’d really like to visit for now is the Tuscany countryside. I’d visited Florence when I was a student and I fell in love with the countryside. It was winter when I was there, but it was perfect weather – the sun was shining and it wasn’t so cold as to freeze off your toes. The trees were green and gold, and the villages were so quaint and so…. Italian! It was absolutely lovely!
I want to stay in a farmhouse in the countryside, where I can eat fresh fruit in the back garden, and spread fresh jam and nutella over fresh crusty bread, and drink wine, and stuff my face with pasta. Of course, I’m there for the food! Not to mention Gelato, gelato and gelato! I love Italy. I’ve been planning to go back for ages, but its just too costly and too time consuming for now.
Still a girl can dream and who knows, a couple of years down the road, this dream will be a reality and I can really then say Ciao Bella Italia! 😀
beetrice says
haha…wah, so confusing the instructions seh… 😉
fashionasia says
haha..yala….so many instructions wan this meme….
i only do when i can do la….
or…tag me wiff easier meme….LoL
hmm….too many places i wanna go la….
but for my next visit, i plan to go somewhere oriental.
Japan or Korea or HK!!(for shopping of course)
beetrice says
Done! What can I say…I’m a woman on a mission!! 😀
Paris Beaverbanks says
Beetrice: Yay! Thanks girl! 🙂
Fashionasia: Whenever you are free la… HK is great! I love HK
azrin says
This meme is complicated abit cos it got rules, like the 200 words entry as it saves us from being penalised by Google and Search Engines from Plagarism thus, blacklisting everyone.
You don’t want that do you??
BTW,get the updated and more complicated copy instead from
PS:it’s supposed to increase yr Pagerank …very very high and Technorati an all time low(number).
Cheesey Poo says
Wow, I’m so glad I don’ have a blog and can’t be tagged bec those instructions are REALLY complicated! 😀
Tummythoz says
Wow. TQ for d thot. Will let u know when I’ve done it, k. Need intensive deliberation sessions as there r too many places I want to go.
doris says
I like Italy too.. thanks for doing the tag, PB…