I was chatting to a friend yesterday and we were talking about buying makeup online. The question we posed was whether we would buy makeup/cosmetics online? Are Malaysians ready to shop online for toiletries and cosmetics?
We concurred that the answer is no.
I’ve bought makeup online before, either from online stores or through friends overseas. The problem is not in the buying of the makeup online. Its the problem of not being able to see and touch the actual product before buying it.
If you are sensitive to fragrance, you can’t tell if the smell of the item will bug you just by looking at it online. You can’t tell how the texture is. You can’t tell what it looks like on your skin or whether its suitable for you. You just have to cross your fingers and hope for the best.
I do my homework thoroughly before I buy anything online. I read reviews by users and try to get a feel of the product before I buy. Yet, I’ve ended up with duds and sometimes, expensive duds.
I believe many Malaysians feel the same way. We are not a big country and almost everything is available to everyone at some point. We are never more than 9 hours max away from any city so shopping online just seems so pointless.
So, whilst I will still continue buying cometics online, I will try to stick to only getting them online if they are cheaper or if I’m really dying to try a particular brand/colour. Else, nothing beats getting a feel of the product before handing over your hard-earned cash.
What do you think? Are you prepared to buy makeup and cosmetics online, sight unseen?
Interesting. I was just thinking about this the other day. I don’t shop a lot online. If I can, I prefer to buy from the stores. Instant gratification. But of course, there are products that aren’t available here so if I want interesting stuff, the Net offers me more options. The problem I find when buying online is sometimes you don’t get what you want. Recently I bought a product and it turned out much smaller than I expected. The picture isn’t accurate. So I would buy only cosmetics and skincare stuff or bags and accessories. No clothes for me.
I would if it’s cheaper and if I had tested/used the cosmetic before. But not anything in liquid form. I’m afraid the temperature may affect the quality of the product. I actually bought some jewellery findings online and have no problem so far 🙂
I just bought one loose powder online =)
Loved it!!
I wouldn’t recommend buying foundation online cuz you will nvr know whether it would suit yr skin colour, type, etc…
Lowyat forum has lots of good sellers and they are trustworthy… They even have reviews and recommendations by the seller and buyer…
I’m happy with my Jurlique Citrus Silk Finishing Powder… Definitely recommended for people with oily skin… ^^